Sarah's Naturopathic Nutrition & Health Coach
About Me.
My educational background is scientific with a bachelor degree followed by a masters degree. I have also done a post graduate certificate and a post graduate diploma in Education.
I have always believed in that the origin of disease can always be traced to nutrition. Chronic deficiencies of certain essential elements might result in imbalances which can cause disease symptoms. Too much consumption of food can also lead to imbalances such as overweight and obesity which may cause metabolic disease, diabetes and/or hypertension.
In July 2017, my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer. We heard from the oncologist that it is terminal due to the late stage of the disease. The prognosis was devastating: he got three months to live. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will add a couple of months, 3-4 months maximum. Our lives turned upside-down. We couldn't believe what we were hearing. I refused to give up and started to research about alternative therapies and options other than the medical therapies. I altered his nutrition to whole, organic food as well as supplementation with essential vitamins and other relevant supplements together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He was able to live for another three and a half years with a relatively good quality life. During this time I started my training as a naturopathic nutritional therapist at the CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Manchester, UK . I have completed my training in September 2021 and I started to see clients and I helped many of them with diverse symptoms including digestive issues, skin problems, autoimmune as well as supporting clients with cancer.
My vision is to provide my clients with confidence and real skills to achieve their health goals by giving them sound personalised advice and recommendations and educate them about their disease symptoms because education is the key weapon against these chronic symptoms. As an educator, I have the necessary qualifications and skills to perform this task
My special interest is gut health and the microbiome. Our gut is a seven-meter tube and is a hugely important part of our body.It's role in digestion is well known, but the other important role is that it hosts the microbiome.The microbiome consists of around 10 trillion bacteria. That's 1500 times times more than the number of people on earth. Most of this bacteria is not harmful, instead they are beneficial .The microbiome is a very important factor in our overall health. It starts from the first day of the baby's life and it goes through continuous development throughout our lives. The role of nutrition is the most important role. This microbiome plays an important role in healthy digestion, immune status by stimulating the gut lining cells to produce massive quantities of anti-bodies. Then, there is the gut-brain axis. Gut and brain are connected and information flows on a two-way street from the gut to the brain and vice versa. Also, some good feeling brain chemicals such as serotonin are manufactured by these bacteria affecting directly our mood.
Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Basic Medical Knowledge course.
CNM (College of Naturopathic College) Manchester, UK
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy.